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Cycle of Hatred (World of Warcraft) di Keith…
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Cycle of Hatred (World of Warcraft) (edizione 2006)

di Keith R. A. DeCandido (Autore)

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The Burning Legion has been defeated, and eastern regions of Kalimdor are now shared by two nations: the orcs of Durotar, led by their noble Warchief, Thrall; and the humans of Theramore, led by one of the most powerful mages alive -- Lady Jaina Proudmoore. But the tentative peace between orcs and humans is suddenly crumbling. Random attacks against Durotar's holdings suggest that the humans have renewed their aggression toward the orcs. Now Jaina and Thrall must avert disaster before old hatreds are rekindled -- and Kalimdor is plunged into another devastating war. Jaina's search to uncover the truth behind the attacks leads her to a shocking revelation. Her encounter with a legendary, long-lost wizard will challenge everything that she believes and illuminate the secret history of the world of...… (altro)
Titolo:Cycle of Hatred (World of Warcraft)
Autori:Keith R. A. DeCandido (Autore)
Info:Pocket Star (2006), Edition: 1st Printing, 272 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Cycle of Hatred di Keith R. A. DeCandido

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There were quite a few quotes and ideas I was fond of in this book but personally I think it could've been better written. ( )
  sydculture | Jan 14, 2009 |
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To GraceAnne Andreassi DeCandido,

Helga Borck, Ursula K. Le Guin,

Constance Hassett, Joanne Dobson,

and all the other women who taught me so much
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The Burning Legion has been defeated, and eastern regions of Kalimdor are now shared by two nations: the orcs of Durotar, led by their noble Warchief, Thrall; and the humans of Theramore, led by one of the most powerful mages alive -- Lady Jaina Proudmoore. But the tentative peace between orcs and humans is suddenly crumbling. Random attacks against Durotar's holdings suggest that the humans have renewed their aggression toward the orcs. Now Jaina and Thrall must avert disaster before old hatreds are rekindled -- and Kalimdor is plunged into another devastating war. Jaina's search to uncover the truth behind the attacks leads her to a shocking revelation. Her encounter with a legendary, long-lost wizard will challenge everything that she believes and illuminate the secret history of the world of...

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