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The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Liver Disorders (Cleveland Clinic Guides)

di Nizar Zein

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If you're one of the 25 million people in the United States who suffer from some form of liver disease, there's new reason for hope: Recent medical advances have revolutionized how liver disease is managed. Keeping yourself informed can dramatically increase your chance of curing your condition. In The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Liver Disorders, Dr. Nizar Zein, an accomplished liver specialist, and Kevin Edwards, a nurse practitioner dedicated solely to the care of liver patients, provide you with critical insights and discoveries to help fight liver disease. Inside you'll find advice to help you: Understand the underlying causes of hepatitis, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and other diseases of the liver, and how to treat each effectively Know what to expect in terms of the newest tests, treatment options, medications, and alternative therapies Learn about the latest breakthrough studies and what those discoveries mean for the future of curing various types of liver disease Find inspiration and encouragement from the stories of people who have over-come these illnesses Cleveland Clinic is ranked consistently among the top hospitals in America by U.S. News & World Report. The Gastroenterology & Hepatology Department, where physicians have pioneered many treatments for liver diseases, is well known for its digestive disease research. Book jacket.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daHopwood, HEC

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If you're one of the 25 million people in the United States who suffer from some form of liver disease, there's new reason for hope: Recent medical advances have revolutionized how liver disease is managed. Keeping yourself informed can dramatically increase your chance of curing your condition. In The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Liver Disorders, Dr. Nizar Zein, an accomplished liver specialist, and Kevin Edwards, a nurse practitioner dedicated solely to the care of liver patients, provide you with critical insights and discoveries to help fight liver disease. Inside you'll find advice to help you: Understand the underlying causes of hepatitis, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and other diseases of the liver, and how to treat each effectively Know what to expect in terms of the newest tests, treatment options, medications, and alternative therapies Learn about the latest breakthrough studies and what those discoveries mean for the future of curing various types of liver disease Find inspiration and encouragement from the stories of people who have over-come these illnesses Cleveland Clinic is ranked consistently among the top hospitals in America by U.S. News & World Report. The Gastroenterology & Hepatology Department, where physicians have pioneered many treatments for liver diseases, is well known for its digestive disease research. Book jacket.

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